Explore Possibilities
Find Solutions



Through Coaching you will discover new ways to look at a given situation and develop possible solutions that you might not have thought of before.

As your coach, I am not the one to present a solution, but I support you in finding your own individual solution. If getting to act is your issue, we can look at your stumbling stones during our coaching. I am your orientation coach, change coach, development coach, vocation coach, relationship coach, communications- and culture coach.

During coaching, I use different creative approaches. Coaching takes place in a confidential framework and always has a clearly defined beginning and end. We will meet in person or online. At the start of the process we define a goal. I will support you to reach that goal.


We will talk about details during your free first meeting.


Coaching for Students

Being a student is great and exciting, but it can be quite challenging sometimes! Questions arise like:

  • I started course X, but I am not sure any more, if it is the right thing for me

  • Shall I go find a job right away after finishing my course or fulfil my dream of travelling the world?

  • I am so insecure in front of groups!

  • I am always getting in my own way – and so fed up with it!

  • I have several job offers and cannot make up my mind

  • I like my course and, still, I am not motivated to study hard

  • I am new in Germany and find some things at university strange and difficult to adjust to

During coaching, we will look for creative solutions together.




Intercultural Settings

Our work-related and our private environment has become so much more intercultural these days. To be successful, you need to be able to move with confidence in an intercultural setting. To know the language is not enough, but you need to know about different cultural approaches and characteristics to avoid putting your foot in your mouth. Intercultural clumsiness can cost you a contract or endanger relationships.

  • I have the chance to work abroad for a while – what do I have to expect?

  • The new employees are coming from a completely different cultural background – how can we work well together?

  • I will accompany my partner on a placement abroad – how can I make good use of that time for myself?

  • I want to work in Germany and I need help to adjust culturally



Coaching for small businesses and employees

I have frequently seen the challenges that small businesses and family businesses have to face in my personal environment. Hats off to you! Coaching can help with issues related to business organisation and with interpersonal relations. I will coach you and/or your employees.

  • How can we optimize the work flow in the firm?

  • Where do I want to be with my firm in 10 years?

  • The conflicts in the firm are spilling into the family – how can we manage to separate the two better?

  • Whenever I talk to my employee, the same unpleasant patterns tend to unfold – I want to find out what is happening and learn how to act differently

  • Whenever employee A is working in that branch, our turnover is low. What is going on?

  • There is a lot of bickering going on in branch C, that has to change.

  • Employee B feels out of his/her depth so easily




Coaching for the curious mind

Life brings its challenges and we have to decide in which direction we want to move on. If we don´t want to ignore the questions, we need to find answers. Talking things over with a professional coach helps and is much more fun!

  • When I speak with my boss/colleague, I realize unhealthy patterns in my behaviour – I want to find out what is happening and learn to react differently

  • It is difficult for me to separate work and private life, but I want to learn to draw a sound line

  • I over-challenge myself frequently and realize too late that I disregarded my limits.

  • I want to make good use of my parental leave, but I don´t really know which direction I want to take

  • My partner has a different cultural background – can that be the reason for some of our frictions in everyday life?