Embrace Yourself



What is Coaching? Sometimes we don´t see what´s right in front of us! My coaching will inspire you to re-think topics which are important to you in a new way, look at things from a different angle and reach new conclusions. Sometimes, thoughts and solutions get clearer that “somehow” were there all the while. Those topics can be work-related or private.


Margit Lange, M.A., Coach

Positive – Encouraging – Pragmatic

I absolutely love supporting people in discovering their full potential and living it. I am full of ideas and I like to encourage people. I see potential in people – there is so much to discover in every single person! In all this, I have great respect for your own autonomy – you decide how fast we progress and how deep we dig. Talking of depth: I have experienced myself how coaching helps loosen up tight knots and solve issues.

That´s why I love being a coach!

I am from a family of craftspeople. I honour craftspeople and their work situation. I was the first to attend university in my family and it wasn´t always easy. During my career, I have always worked with people and, for many years, in a university setting. I like students and their world. I am interculturally experienced through my studies (linguistics and literature in French and English), studies abroad, and through working with international students at one of the universities in Nürnberg for seven years. I love the cultural diversity of our Earth!

Apart from people I love literature, architecture and all things beautiful.

I have done my two-year coaching training after the strict requirements of the European Association of Supervision and Coaching EASC because I am a fan of their ethical basis and the width of the methods taught.





Germersheimer Str. 151
90469 Nürnberg

Phone: +49 157 72048308


location 2

Königstraße 57
90402 Nürnberg